It’s the March Farmers and Craft Market at Cuerden Valley
Park this Sunday and it’s also Easter Sunday.
I have made some more of the Easter baskets to sell on
Sunday and have also made some cute little bunny boxes which are filled with small
Easter Eggs. So if you haven’t got all your Easter eggs yet get yourself down to
Cuerden on Sunday. The market opens at 10am until 2pm.
Last month my best sellers were my decorated boxes filled
with tea lights. As it was the week before Mother’s Day I had used pastel pinks
and blues for the boxes. I have to really brace myself not to make everything
in purple – yes it is my favourite colour! I was absolutely mortified when
someone asked me if I had a purple box. So I decided to right this wrong and
here are two purple and one lilac boxes ready for this weekend!
My Dad and Kate were delighted with their Easter Card.
I would like to wish all my readers a very Happy Easter.